How to Generate Personal Access Token GitHub

Learning How to Generate Personal Access Token GitHub is essential for enhancing your account’s security and enabling seamless integration with various tools and automation. A Personal Access Token (PAT) is a unique string of characters that serves as a secure authentication method for interacting with the GitHub API.

By following this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of generating a Personal Access Token on GitHub while shedding light on different scopes and safety practices to keep your token secure.

What is a Personal Access Token (PAT)?

A Personal Access Token is a secret authentication key generated by GitHub to securely access your account through the API. Think of it as a password specifically for API requests. By using a PAT, you can delegate access to your GitHub resources without sharing your actual account credentials, ensuring enhanced security.

Why Do You Need a Personal Access Token?

You may require a Personal Access Token for various purposes, such as:

  1. Third-Party Tool Integration: Many development tools, IDEs, and continuous integration services require a PAT to connect with your GitHub repositories.
  2. Task Automation: Automating tasks, such as repository management or issue creation, becomes possible using a PAT with the necessary permissions.
  3. Authorized Access: If you need to grant temporary or limited access to collaborators or services, a PAT can serve as a secure way to do so.

How to Generate Personal Access Token GitHub

how to generate personal access token github
how to generate personal access token github

You Need To Follow Some Steps if You Want to Generate Personal Access Token on GitHub.

Step 1: Navigate to Your GitHub Account Settings Sign in to your GitHub account and click on your profile picture in the top-right corner. Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu to access your account settings.

Step 2: Access Developer Settings In the left-hand sidebar, click on “Developer settings.” This will open a new page with various developer-related options.

Step 3: Go to Personal Access Tokens Within the “Developer settings” page, click on “Personal access tokens” in the left-hand menu. This will take you to the “Personal access tokens” management page.

Step 4: Generate a New Token On the “Personal access tokens” page, click on the green button labeled “Generate new token” to initiate the token creation process.

Step 5: Configure Token Settings Before generating the token, GitHub will prompt you to configure its settings. Start by providing a descriptive name for your token to help identify its purpose.

Step 6: Set Scopes Next, you can select the scopes for your token. Scopes determine the level of access your token will have. Only grant the necessary scopes to minimize potential security risks. Common scopes include:

  • repo: Grants access to your repositories (both public and private).
  • user: Allows management of your GitHub user settings.
  • admin: Provides the highest level of access, allowing administrative tasks.

Step 7: Generate and Save the Token Once you’ve chosen the appropriate scopes, click on the “Generate token” button at the bottom of the page. GitHub will generate your new token. IMPORTANT: Once generated, the token will be shown only once. Copy and save it in a safe place, as you won’t be able to view it again.

Different Scopes for Personal Access Tokens:

GitHub offers various scopes that grant specific permissions to your Personal Access Token.

Some commonly used scopes include:

  • read:user: Read access to your user data.
  • user:email: Access to your email addresses.
  • repo: Full access to your public and private repositories.
  • delete_repo: Ability to delete repositories.
  • gist: Ability to create and update gists.

Keeping Your Personal Access Token Safe:

As with any authentication credentials, keeping your Personal Access Token secure is of utmost importance. I hope you understand how to generate personal access token github. Here are some essential tips to ensure its safety:

  1. Confidentiality: Treat your PAT like a password and never share it with anyone.
  2. Authorized Use: Only use your token for legitimate and approved purposes, avoiding any unauthorized actions.
  3. Secure Storage: Store your token in a secure location, such as a password manager.
  4. Periodic Renewal: Regularly update your token, revoking any unused or compromised ones.


By generating a Personal Access Token on GitHub and understanding the different scopes available, you’ve taken a significant step towards enhancing your account’s security and unlocking a world of possibilities for integrating GitHub with your preferred tools and automating tasks. Always prioritize the safety of your token by adhering to best practices.

We hope this comprehensive guide about how to generate personal access token github has been informative and empowers you to use GitHub more effectively. Should you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.

Happy Coding!

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